Below are some great Mac-related news sources on the web. They offer up-to-date news on Macs and the Macintosh world (I had to spin them off into a separate chapter due to space limitations). If Netscape is running, click on the "NN" button to go to the corresponding URL; if Internet Explorer is running, click on the "IE" button; otherwise, copy and paste. This is not an exhaustive list; I am sure that there are many other really great sites out there. For some great Mac help and information sites, see the previous chapter. NOTE: The sites are listed in alphabetical order.
ツ Mac News Network
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ツ Mac OS Rumors: just what the name says
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ツ MacCentral
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ツ MacInsider: "insider" information
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ツ Macintosh Resource Page - by Eric Belsley
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ツ MacInTouch - by Ric Ford
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ツ MacSurfer's Headline News: compilation of news story links